In recent years mathematical problems in engineering, aerospace and sciences have stimulated cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in computer technology have allowed for solutions of mathematical linear, non-linear problems, while industrial recognition of the use and applications of linear non-linear mathematical models in solving technological problems is increasing. Recognizing the broadness of the new advances in a variety of sub-fields, a well-balanced group of theoretical, computational and experimental engineers, scientists, and mathematicians were carefully selected as invited speakers. Congress has a pool of active researchers with a proper balance between academia and industry as well as between senior and junior researchers including graduate students and post doctorates. This gave rise to exciting scholarly cooperation and collaboration among researchers who usually do not have such interaction, and the congress serve as the most important bi annual event in applied mathematics, aerospace, engineering, and sciences.
AIP Conference Proceedings report findings presented at many of the most important scientific meetings around the worldPublished proceedings are valuable as topical status reports providing quick access to information before it appears in the traditional journal literature
The -th Root Base of Non-Algebraic Simple Base of Polynomials in Clifford Setting.- Guaranteed Control of Feedback Linearizable Nonlinear Object.- Numerical Modeling of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability by Using Potential Equation.- Boubaker Polynomial Approach for Solving High-order Linear Differential-difference Equations.- The Applications of GMRES Method on Stokes Problem Solved by Finite Element Method.- Method of Boundary Integral Equations (BIEM) and Generalized Solutions of Transient Problems of Thermoelastodynamics.- Scattering Theory for a Dirac Type Operator.- Decentralized Target Geolocation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Sensor Bias Estimation.- Aeroelastic Flutter in Axial Flow-The Continuum Theory.- A Delay Differential Equations Mathematical Model for the Immune Response in Leukemia.- Existence of Oscillatory Solutions in the Non Simplified Model.- Avoiding Oscillations by Using an Alternative Flight Controller.- Hartman-Grobman Decomposition when in Presence of Jumps in the Relative Degree of the Dynamics in an Energy Harvesting Device.- Cauchy-Stieltjes Integral on Time Scales in Banach Spaces and Hysteresis Operators.- The Solutions of Partial Differential Equations with Variable Coefficient by Sumudu Transform Method.- Nonlinear Excited Waves on the Interventricular Septum.- Advances in the Natural Transform.- Solving Special Fractional Differential Equations by Sumudu Transform.- Numerical Simulation of MEMS-based Blade Load Distribution Control in Centrifugal Compressor Surge Suppression.- Numerical Modeling of the Flow Structures in the Channels with T-junction.- 3D Flyable Curves for an Autonomous Aircraft.- Numerical Simulation of Combustion Processes in a Gas Turbine.- Quasi-simultaneous Interaction Method for Solving 2D boundary Layer Flows over Plates and Airfoils.- For more extended version please click on following link: