Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injuries

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66,50 €*

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999 g
260 x 184 x 36 mm
Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injuries is a practical guide to the treatment and/or management of spinal cord injuries for the physiotherapy student and early career clinician, as well as the medical and health professional wishing to remain current with advancements in treatment and interventions in this area.
1. Introduction to spinal cord injury2. From the field to the emergency department and beyond3. The shifting paradigm in the physiotherapy treatment of spinal cord injuries4. Early hospital management of the patient with a spinal cord injury5. Biomechanics6. Functional independence7. Use of electrotherapeutic techniques in the treatment of spinal cord injury8. Modes of transport9. Ambulation10. Hydrotherapy for a patient with an SCI11. Incomplete spinal and peripheral nerve lesions12. Overview of sexual function and changes post-SCI13. Exercise and sport and the person with spinal cord injury14. Paediatric spinal cord injury15. Ageing with a spinal cord injury16. High cervical lesions17. Ageing with a spinal cord injury18. Common complications of spinal cord injury19. Psychological sequelae of spinal cord injuries20. Sociological issues associated with spinal cord injury - a personal journey21. The hazards of living with a spinal cord injury
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