The Templar’s Garden

Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I

12,03 €*

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Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen
Bilder und Kontakte
Sicherheitsbilder- und Kontakte
328 g
197x130x33 mm
The family of young mystic Lady Isabelle d'Albret Courteault flee for England at the height of the Hundred Years War, becoming established as courtiers in Henry VI's court. Events take a complicated turn when Lady Isabelle embarks on a secrets-driven relationship with the family's chaplain and tutor.
A young woman fighting for her beliefs. A chaplain with a secret that could determine the fate of a kingdom. Set amidst a period of grave uncertainty, a beautifully crafted narrative of faith, love and grace.
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