Common Worship

Lieferzeit: Nicht lieferbar I

49,00 €*

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Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen
Bilder und Kontakte
Sicherheitsbilder- und Kontakte
377 g
257 x 159 x 14 mm
This hardback volume contains all the contemporary language Collects and the prayers to be said after Communion, for every Sunday and every major and lesser festival in the year. It provides both the original collects from the Common Worship Main Volume and the Additional Collects.
This high quality cased book from the Church of England contains all the contemporary language Collects and the prayers to be said after Communion, for every Sunday and every major and lesser festival in the year. It provides both the original collects from the Common Worship Main Volume and the Additional Collects.
The Seasons - Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Ordinary Time, Lent, Easter; Festivals; Lesser Festivals; Common of the Saints; Special Occasions
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